Our enterprise is well aware of how to achieve a rich and unique taste of sunflower oil.
Our enterprise is well aware of how to achieve a rich and unique taste of sunflower oil.
Currently, Pology Oil Extraction Plant successfully competes on the oilseeds processing market, i.e. sunflower and soybean.
In 2020, the “League of the Best” («Ліга кращих» in Ukrainian) community awarded the company with the ENTERPRISE OF THE YEAR OF UKRAINE Status.
The Supervisory Board and the Board of Polohy Oil Extraction Plant, PJSC condemn the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and support the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Due to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine the Supervisory Board and the Board of Polohy Oil Extraction Plant, PJSC do not manage the production processes and property of the company, do not control the territory and property of the company, cannot ensure fire and technogenic safety of the company.
The city of Polohy is fully occupied by the armed formations of the Russian Federation, permanent military operations are carried out on its territory, massive shelling of civil infrastructure facilities is carried out. At the time of the beginning of the armed aggression, there were raw materials, finished products and auxiliary materials in the production warehouses of Polohy Oil Extraction Plant. At first, the security and fire protection service of the Polohy Oil Extraction Plant was in charge of guarding and ensuring technogenic safety of the plant infrastructure facilities. At present armed representatives of military units of the Russian Federation openly robbed the property of the plant, threatening with physical violence and murder the security guards of the plant. A large number of vehicles, equipment, products and raw materials were seized at gunpoint. Later, on April 29, 2022 armed forces of Russian Federation completely occupied the territory of the factory and deployed personnel and military equipment there. The plant’s security guards and firefighters were forced to leave the territory of the plant at gunpoint. Later, the plant’s fire guards attempted several times to put out fires on the company's territory as a result of the shelling, but representatives of Russian Federation military units did not allow them to enter the plant’s territory.
Despite the extremely difficult situation and the constant threat to life and health, the Board of Polohy Oil Extraction Plant is constantly organizing the provision of humanitarian aid to the residents of the city of Polohy.
On May 16, 2022 the so-called Chairman of the Civil-Military Administration of Zaporizhzhya region from the side of the Russian Federation, the collaborator Balitsky illegally introduced the occupation administration for the management of the property of Pohovsky Oil Extraction Plant. To date, the territory of the enterprise continues to be controlled by the armed formations of the Russian Federation and representatives of this illegal occupation administration.
On all these facts the company has filed the corresponding statements to the law enforcement authorities about committing crimes. As of today, criminal proceedings have been registered on all these facts and pre-trial investigation is being carried out.
We express our strong condemnation of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and hold the Russian Federation armed formations and their illegal occupation administration fully responsible for the events taking place on the territory of the plant, for the damage and destruction of the company property, loss of control over the property and production facilities of the plant by the Supervisory Board and the Board, creation of the technogenic threat on the plant territory.
As a progressive enterprise, Pology OEP, PJSC has a long-term program of activities to expand sales markets, namely: identification of potential consumers on new markets and development of new segments of existing ones; minimization of total costs in production process, constant expansion and renewal of product range, optimization of logistics, implementation of new types of packaging, etc.
Our enterprise is one of the largest in Europe in oilseeds processing. The first stage of the plant was commissioned in December 1974. This enterprise is a unique complex of workshops and auxiliary units with a developed infrastructure.
Currently, Pology OEP, PJSC is a company that advances its technical and technological base. This is achieved by implementing investment projects, new control methods, setting up production facilities according to the requirements of European standards. Pology OEP, PJSC has been and remains the leader of advanced technologies in production.
In 2004, Pology OEP, PJSC was the first Ukrainian company to implement a new technological scheme for parallel processing of two oilseed crops, namely: sunflower and soybeans. Through the reconstruction of equipment and the application of new technologies in some stages of processing, we managed to increase the production capacity from 1,080 to 2,200 tons of sunflower seeds per day. The technology of oil protection with inert gases using nitrogen at different stages of production and storage ensures the guaranteed quality during the whole marketing period.
Quality and Product Safety Management Systems in place
Sunflower oil, soybean oil, sunflower phosphatide and soybean concentrate are certified for compliance with Kosher and Halal standards.
The safety of residues and soybean oil manufactured by Pology OEP, PJSC is ensured by the system certified in accordance with the Dutch standard GMP+B2 “Production of Feeding Ingredients”.
HACCP principles are implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Basic Principles and Requirements for Food Safety and Quality”.
The enterprise has implemented and obtained the certification for a food safety management system for compliance with the requirements of the FSSC 22000 v.5 international certification scheme.
FSSC 22000 is a food safety management system certification scheme that is fully compatible with all relevant ISO standards. It is also an excellent business management tool to meet growing consumer demands by linking food safety and business processes.
In January 2021, the enterprise has successfully passed the certification audit (with obtaining a certificate) for compliance with the requirements of GMP+B4 standard “Transportation. Transportation by road and rail, freight” (in terms of transportation of residues by rail). This means that all safety and quality parameters of the products are under control when transported to the customer.
It is worth noting that Pology OEP, PJSC today is the first enterprise of the processing industry of Ukraine to receive the MC GMP+B4 certificate and the second among the enterprises of the country as a whole.
Board Chairman, Director of Finance
Director of Economics
Phone +380616523037
E-Mail mail@mezpology.zp.ua
Sales Director
Skype Shturmanzap
WeChat sp2968
Email o.lozychenko@mezpology.zp.ua
Technical Director
Phone +380616523352
Fax +380616522050
E-Mail t.chukhray@mezpology.zp.ua
Executive Director
Phone +380616523240
E-Mail n.marchenko@mezpology.zp.ua
Chief Accountant
Phone +380616523320
E-Mail n.kolesnik@mezpology.zp.ua
Chief Engineer
Phone +380616531117
E-Mail v.boyko@mezpology.zp.ua
Chief Power Engineer
Phone +380616523580
E-Mail a.sahno@mezpology.zp.ua
Chief Mechanical Engineer
Phone +380616531118
E-Mail a.kuzmenko1@mezpology.zp.ua
Head of Department
Phone +380616531116
Phone +380616531145
E-Mail a.kabak@mezpology.zp.ua
Deputy Sales Director
Phone +380616531137
E-Mail l.seroklin@mezpology.zp.ua
Head of Department
Phone +380616522550
Phone +380616523225
E-Mail a.alfimova@mezpology.zp.ua
Deputy Sales Director
Phone +380616531103
E-Mail n.zhalkovskaya@mezpology.zp.ua
Head of Department
Phone +380616523123
Fax +380616523717
E-Mail n.fedosova@mezpology.zp.ua
Deputy Procurement Director
Phone +380616523857
E-Mail a.bolgov@mezpology.zp.ua
Head of Department
Phone +380616523271
Phone +380616531130
E-Mail o.dyachenko@mezpology.zp.ua
Head of Department
Phone +380616531114
E-Mail o.yatsuk@mezpology.zp.ua